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Rock Life - Guitar Band Revenge of Hero Rising Star hack tool language English



In-App Pile of Cash / Zeeppo Games Ltda / Device apple ipod / Critiques Soon as you are 49/50, and on the last one of the recording studios, it don't let you pass it, even with 2 fully upgraded guitars, it puts a score so high, that even the best Pedals, and so forth, it's made sure you can not beat it. This is a fun game, very addicting, but to make it more successful, lower a little bit of the expected scores, even with all notes hit, you can't get past the score there. Also would be great if you could pick some of your own music, it would make it a lot more challenging as well, and also to compete with others on line, letting them pick a song, or you. Also adding some more graphics, giving more stars then a couple a week, also more money, since that's all we do is spend money to upgrade the guitars, or buying drums, bass, amps, as well as band members etc / language English / Published date 2014-01-18 / - Roadie problem solved.

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